Friday 8 June 2007

My story.



Unknown said...


Thanks for sharing your story with us! As a gay man, I'm also proud of you with your strength and determination to fight throughout your life.

Seeing you going through with your life have inspired me to enjoy with life whichever it brings to me.

All the best of your future and hopefully we'll meet one day soon!


Stuie xxx

LaRonda said...

Thank you for such an inspiring story! You're beautiful, brave and have a heartfelt, meaningful and empowering story to share with the world. People need role models and you are a shining star for many!

~ LaRonda

Michelle D said...

I think you are a brave person to share your story with us - deaf community. I also think you are a beautiful person. I pray that you'll have a better life ahead of you. Hugs.

Anne Marie said...

Betty, you did a very respectful thing..opening yourself up to educate us what it means to self actualize.

You are indeed very brave, one of the most brave ones I have ever seen! I hope soon Deaf communities will start to mellow and be more accepting of deaf individuals with their own uniqueness. Deaf people no longer need to get this mixed up with what I call the baggage of identity muddles now being sorted out.

Karyn said...

Hi Betty,

You are a brave lady! Honestly, I ALWAYS enjoyed hanging around Deaf Transgender, Gays, or Lesbians in Seattle because they have open-minded and of course, GREAT sense of humors! I love to go shopping with them because they are good at it!

Beaux Arts de Boutjean said...


What a deeply touching and moving
story! I must agree with all commenters that you are such a brave and COURAGEOUS person. Video is a blessing in disguise because it helps educate tens of thousands of deaf people around the world. Now you join the group of
__Profiles of Courage__

Candace A McCullough said...

Hello Betty,

A big thank you for opening your heart and sharing your very touching and
personal story. I am sure that your story be a blessing to more Deaf people
than you can imagine. You have given a wonderful gift to our community.


PS. Since the first time I viewed your story, I have not been able to open
the link to show it to others. You may want to check to make sure it is

Wendy said...

¡Muchísimas gracias por contar la historia de su vida! Necesitamos más gente valiente así.